Friday, December 31, 2010
Protecting Capitalism
I am a capitalist. I believe in the capitalist system, that it works best to benefit a majority of the people. However, what I see happening given the statistics presented, is that our system of free markets is slowly eroding to the place where it will eventually be destroyed. It has come to my attention that our markets are no longer free. Some members of society have access to insider information while most of us who have small investments do not have that benefit. When the financially elite are free to raid the market, it is no longer a free market which is essential to a healthy capitalist based economy.
When one business entity is able to restrict others from entering the market, capitalism is weakened. For example, when Microsoft requires purchasers of its products to pledge not to use their competitors’ products, we no longer have a free market or true capitalism. When managers of investment banks make risky bets with other people’s money and get multimillion dollar bonuses even if their business fails, we no longer have a true capitalist system. In response the government tries to regulate and protect the ordinary investors from being victims of fraudulent behavior on the part of the bankers. The business community squeals in agony at such regulation.
Without question too much government regulation weakens our capitalist system. However, if government regulation seems oppressive just wait till you are caught in the clutches of corporate policy. There is no due process or free elections to throw the bums out when you’re dealing with an American corporation.
From my perspective, our capitalist system, which includes free and open markets, is the most beneficial to most of the people and is the reason why America is the most productive nation in the world. That is soon to disappear if left in the hands of corporate moguls who are bent on enriching themselves regardless of the effect on the rest of the nation. The one most important goal for our government in the new year is to find a method of protecting capitalism from the destructive behaviors of corporate America. If that can be achieved much of the rest of the nation’s needs will fall into place.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Reason for the Season
Further, the depiction of the judgment day given in the 25th chapter of Matthew’s tome should be instructive to Christian believers. Here Christ identifies the things which are most important in terms of behavioral norms for the Christian. All of them have to do with how we treat other people, especially those who are at the lower end of the social scale. “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these, you have done it unto Me,” is the standard to be applied on that fateful day. Some conservatives decry this as “social gospel,” and so it may be. However, any true Christian believer would be well advised to integrate this gospel in their daily lives.
Now, I’m not talking about anything related to politics or the Church, or any other organization. What I am suggesting is that true believers treat others as the Christ of Christmas has suggested. This is an individual mandate, more than one that’s to be carried out by the government or some other organization. It is the reason for this season that in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ we would be brought back to his basic teachings while He was here on earth. The world would be a much better place if more people would follow the tenets of Christianity as taught by Jesus.
Here is wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the readers of this blog.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Stockman Repudiates Reaganomics
Imagine then my interest last night when Stockman was interviewed on national television. When asked about Reaganomics he surprised me by stating frankly, “it didn’t work.” When asked about the current situation especially regarding the Bush tax cuts Stockman said, “they should all be repealed.” “But,” asked the interviewer, “don’t tax cuts generate more revenue?” “No they don’t!” Stockman replied. That’s partly what’s responsible for getting us in the mess we’re in right now, he indicated.
So, there you have it. One of the architects of Reaganomics has repudiated the work of his own hands. He’s no flaming liberal, just a commonsense conservative. From my perspective, the conservatives who are attempting to impose their will in Washington should pay attention to what David Stockman has to say.
Monday, November 22, 2010
A Sad Commentary
“The primary purpose of management is to kill any hope that staying in your current job will work out for you. Bad management is how imagination gets wings. The economy needs workers who are fed up, desperate, and willing to quit their jobs for something better. You can’t do something great until first you quit something that isn’t. The last thing this world needs is a bunch of dopey-happy workers who can’t stop humming and grinning. The economy needs hamster -brained sociopaths in management to drive down the opportunity cost of entrepreneurship. Luckily, we are blessed with an ample supply.”
Sad to think that the Wall Street Journal expressed the opinion that bad management abounds throughout our country. America take note!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Republican Agenda for America
Unfortunately, one of the Republican leaders remarked recently that “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one term president.” Is that the purpose which will direct Republican strategy in the coming months? Is that what will benefit America most? Is President Obama the great Satan who must be removed at all costs?
Hopefully the new members brought to Congress, particularly those from the Tea Party wing of the Republican party, can stick to their principles. During the campaign they seemed to be well centered on financial issues and if they can just keep that sense of focus as they move on to Washington the country will greatly benefit.
From my perspective, our best hope is that the new Republicans in Congress will grasp control of their party and focus it on solving the problems of our nation rather than on defeating Obama. They need to put together a plan to immediately address the deficit spending that has plagued our nation for some 30 years now. We have to get control of that bad habit or we will see a financial collapse in this country which will make the great depression of the last century look like a Sunday school picnic.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sarah Palin’s Alaska
There are scenes of Sarah Palin with her children both together and individually; Sarah trying to keep her daughter’s boyfriend from visiting the upstairs bedroom; Sarah taking the family fishing; Sarah flying in a float plane; Sarah walking on a dangerous glacier; and Sarah climbing a steep rock in the mountains and courageously overcoming her fear of heights to conquer that obstacle.
Though the producers claim it is nonpolitical in nature, there is a scene with Sarah having a discussion with husband Todd regarding the negative effect of taxes on business. There are also several shots of their next-door neighbor, a would-be biographer who she claims moved there to spy on them. The whole family reacts with disgust at his intrusion on their private life. Their protests of innocence aside, the producers have put together what from my perspective, is the slickest political infomercial I have ever seen. The film series probably should be seen by the American public as the opening volley in the 2012 presidential nominating process for the Republican Party. The next two years should be very interesting for us political junkies.
More Reflections on the Election
I must note that I do not support Palin’s political position on most issues. I am, however, fascinated with the growth she has made as a public speaker and in her ability to maneuver through the minefield of American politics. She put her considerable reputation on line during the midterm election campaign. She was not afraid to support relatively unknown candidates even though they had little hope of winning. She had enough winners among her picks so that she earned bragging rights in the world of politics.
It will be interesting now to see how Mrs. Palin maneuvers in preparation for the 2012 presidential race. A lot of important Republicans owe her political support. In the common vernacular, she has amassed considerable political capital. While her star may fade before the nominating convention, she has to be seen as a dominant force in the Republican party at this point in time. I do not see any other Republican that has given evidence of the political skill she has developed in the short time she has been active in American politics.
My prediction is that Sarah Palin will run for president in the Republican primaries in 2012 and be a strong competitor in the nominating process. All the other Republicans who plan to cash in on a weakened democratic President had better take notice.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Reflections on the Election
Without question Obama inherited a mess, but that’s old news hardly worth mentioning now. He could have praised President Bush for the actions he took in bailing out the banks and the automobile industry and pointed out the necessity of continuing those programs. No one, not even the most rabid Republican, would want the banking system to collapse. Unfortunately, Obama spent his time attacking his opponents instead of pointing out the necessity for the actions he took. Former President George Bush, in a recent promotional interview regarding his new book, made a much better defense of his own actions in response to the faltering economy. Obama could learn a lesson in practical politics from a study of that interview.
Monday, November 1, 2010
An Election Prediction
So, here is my prediction: Republicans will gain at least 50 seats in the House of Representatives. If they gain anything less than 40 seats it will be a great victory for the Democrats. In the Senate I suspect that they will gain at least 6 seats and possibly even more. In just a few hours we will know if my predictions are correct or not.
Friday, October 22, 2010
No Raise in Social Security
Yes, I know that a lot of social security recipients are barely scraping along financially. Times are hard and not getting a raise, even a small one, is a big disappointment. But, we are just going to have to tighten our belts. It is time for President Obama and all the other politicians both Republican and Democrat to call on the American people for a time of sacrifice. We can’t expect to get America’s fiscal house in order if we don’t make such a sacrifice. The only way to balance the budget is for all Americans, rich and poor alike, to be willing to support the government as it moves into a period of austerity
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Candidate Poses in Nazi Uniform
From my perspective, a congressional candidate who has a sense of history should be seen in a positive light. I wish more of our politicians understood a bit about the history of this world. They might have a much broader perspective as they deal with policy implications for the nation. Unfortunately, such a thing does not sell like a full-blown scandal does. And, we must never forget that the media is mostly about making a profit.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Christine O’Donnell Dabbled in Witchcraft
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Paladino on Gay Pride
From my perspective Paladino has a defensible position on the matter of gay marriage. I have never understood the basis for gay pride. If, as a majority of the gay community insists, sexual preference is something one is born with not an acquired characteristic, what’s to be proud of? Is there any special accomplishment in what you are born with? Why the necessity to publicly flaunt what I consider to be a very private matter? Paladino’s position of opposing gay marriage and at the same time opposing persecution of or discrimination against gay people is well within the mainstream of American thought.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Response to Cal Thomas
I found it interesting that Thomas held up as an example of good schooling the Sidwell Friends School where President Obama has enrolled his children. Certainly that school provides a high-quality education. However, one wonders why it costs $30,000 a year to educate children who have passed the rigid entrance requirements necessary to gain admission at Sidwell? In Michigan, our public schools have less than a fourth of that amount to carry out their educational responsibility. The public schools, by contrast to Sidwell, must accept all children not just the ones who already score high on standardized tests.
If it takes such a huge amount of money to educate educationally advantaged children, think what is necessary to give an education of equal quality to disadvantaged children! From my perspective, Cal Thomas should consider the disparity in expenditures so evident in his example before he condemns the public schools so broadly.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Pledge IV
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Pledge III
From my perspective, government should not institute an inordinate amount of regulation on business. The free market system works best when it is free from overly vigorous restraint. However, it also works best when the market players restrain themselves from the temptation to engage in fraud and manipulation that is destructive of people who trust their surplus funds to them for investment purposes. In recent times American business has not been able to restrain itself. Rather our business leaders have sacrificed themselves on the altar of filthy lucre. Mammon is indeed the deity of choice for the accumulators of wealth in America. Thus, the need for some degree of regulation.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Pledge II
George Bush the younger tried the same plan, cutting income and increasing spending. The result was the same: massive increases in the federal deficit. And, the scary thing is Republican leadership pledges to do it again. It is frightening to conceive that the leaders of our nation, after examining the historical record, would try the same failed scheme. But, I think they are very smart people. Maybe they really do know it’s an unworkable plan and are just using it as a political ploy to gain votes. That, from my perspective, is even more frightening.
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Pledge I
The Pledge contains some things that, from my perspective, would be beneficial to the political process in the United States. They pledge to reform Congress and to restore people’s trust in that institution. They will make sure that every congressperson has time to read legislation before it is voted on. They also promise open and bipartisan debate. Most important in my view is the pledge to keep proposed legislation simple and straightforward rather than having it be a conglomerate of competing ideas which makes any legislation more complicated than most of us can understand. Republicans failed to deliver on these things a few years ago when they had complete power over all three branches of the federal government. Hopefully they learned the error of their ways and this time they will get it right.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Recession is Over
Of course, it is a little more complicated than that, but that’s the reality of the thing. For over a year we have had increases in the GDP and even though those increases have been very small, it means that technically the recession is over. Americans have been under the illusion of continued prosperity and economic growth for many years. Coming to grips with the reality of a jobless recovery is a harsh experience indeed. From my perspective, reality really isn’t much fun in this case. There will be no quick return to widespread prosperity.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sarah Palin as a Politician
The Tea Party, particularly with the celebrity of Sarah Palin providing a catalyst for its functioning, has had notable success in several primary elections around the country. Palin has built a solid core of supporters all across America which will give her a distinct advantage going into the presidential primary election season.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Obama’s Anti-Colonial Worldview
From my perspective, I hope Obama does have an anti-colonial worldview. Anyone who has bothered to read the Declaration of Independence would note that our fair Republic was born in opposition to the colonial power of the British Empire. Newt Gingrich, who is a trained historian, should know this. His doctoral dissertation was a study of colonial power in Africa. Why he has brought this silly accusation against Obama is a mystery to me and should call into question his fitness for the presidency.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Justice American-Style
From my perspective, it is a real shame that there is not more evenhandedness in American justice. Why should a spoiled little rich kid get radically different treatment than anyone else?
Monday, September 6, 2010
Gambling in the Stock Market
“The English, however speculative, fear poverty. The Frenchman shoots himself to avoid it. The American with a million (dollars) speculates to win ten, and if he takes losses takes a clerkship with equanimity. This freedom from sordidness is commendable, but it makes a nation of the most degenerate gamesters in the world.”
Even though this was written 125 years ago, it still seems to describe the American spirit about making money off the stock market. It may explain what has driven us into the economic downturn we are experiencing today.
One of the seven deadly sins of the ancient world was wealth without work. From my perspective, that still applies in modern times. Maybe our society should reject the desire for a quick dollar and go back to work. We’ve had enough of gambling in the market.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Blame the Democrats
Think of that, all three branches of government under the control of the Republican party and they did the exact opposite of what they claim to stand for. Where was the party of small government and fiscal responsibility during that six-year time frame? What was left of the weak and ineffective Democratic Party meekly went along with whatever the dominant Republicans demanded. If you want to blame the Democrats for anything it is for not standing up to the out-of-control big-spending, big-debt, big-government Republicans.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Exit Iraq
So, what did we gain for the trillion dollars spent, four thousand lives lost, and the many more thousands of young men and women returning home maimed and crushed in body and spirit? About the only tangible thing we have accomplished is the overthrow of a dictator and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iraq. Was it worth it? Only time will tell. From my perspective, history will not deal kindly with that American military adventure in the Middle East.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Shocking Disclosures about the War
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Newt Gingrich Rides Again
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Must Read for Conservatives
The Republican party in America has justifiably earned its reputation as “the party of no.” It is so fixated on seeing that Obama fail in his presidency that it has forgotten to play its legitimate role as an opposition party. It has no alternative suggestions for dealing with the problems that face America other than to oppose whatever Obama suggests. This is unfortunate, as The Economist points out, because democracy is at its best when there is a vibrant debate in the public forum regarding the proper role of government. Republicans, who champion the conservative cause in the United States, do not seem to have a coherent set of ideas about how to govern. From my perspective, the sooner they get their act together and propose a specific course of action the better served America will be.
To date conservative thought leaders have settled for stringing together a series of sound bites and platitudes. America deserves better. The Economist article is a must read for conservatives in America if they want to be taken seriously.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A Simple Solution for Gaza
I realize that the situation between Israel and its Palestinian population is a very complicated one. However, if the residents of Gaza want to have a free flow of goods into their isolated little strip of real estate, there is a simple solution. From my perspective, all they need to do is stop shooting rockets at the Israelis. Then the state of Israel might think more kindly towards letting them import food, medicine, and other needed goods.
Yes, I realize that the Palestinians have not been treated well. I am aware of the history of that part of the world and know that 100 years ago there were very few Jewish people in residence there. I know that it was not the Palestinians who were responsible for the Holocaust. I also know that they were promised a free and independent nation by the British in return for their support of the Allies in World War I. However, the fact is that the Israelis conquered the land and have a certain amount of rights in dictating how things run there. Palestinians are well advised to make their peace with the Israeli victors. From my perspective, that simple solution is workable and would bring much benefit to both sides.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Save Your Energy
From my perspective, the President and everyone else should save their energy. There is no need to be angry about something that cannot be fixed. Whenever there is human endeavor there is a chance of failure. Whenever there is a mechanical device there is the possibility that it will have a flaw. That is just a fundamental fact of life and there is no sense getting all charged up over it. So, if you are angry over the oil spill, I suggest you save your energy. Get angry over things that can be fixed not over things that cannot be fixed.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
No Time to Waffle
The furor, as you might imagine, was immediate. In response, the usually self-assured Dr. Paul waffled. He backed off his original statements saying that he opposed discrimination. Eventually the good Doctor declared that he would have voted for the civil rights law.
From my perspective, Dr. Paul needs to stand up for his principles. If he truly believes that it is appropriate for private organizations to discriminate on the basis of race, he should say so. We do not need any more politicians who waffle on such important issues. The Tea Party movement promised to give us more genuine politicians. So far, Dr. Paul has not lived up to that billing.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Imagine That
Or even imagine that in states that allow open carry weapons several large Black man walked into a Starbucks with revolvers holstered on their side. What would be the reaction? Just let your imagination run wild on this one.
(In the interest of full disclosure, the ideas presented here were borrowed from an editorial in the May 7, 2010 edition of The Week. It is not original with me.)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Ultimate Conspiracy
A good example of how easily duped people are can be found at This will lead you to the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division which documents the dangers of this ubiquitous chemical. I urge readers to access that site and enjoy a trip through the ultimate conspiracy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Confederate History Month
From my perspective, neither the state of Virginia, nor any other state, should be proud of their involvement in that tragic event. It is popular these days to downplay the role of slavery and to identify other issues that might have been the basis of the rebellion. States rights is one that comes to mind. However, there is no question that the right of the white population to maintain the system of slavery was a central focus of the Confederate cause.
Confederate vice president, Alexander Stephens, identified the prime concept behind the Confederacy in his famous Cornerstone Speech. “Jefferson’s ideas were fundamentally wrong,” He stated. “They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error.” Stevens further stated, “our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.”
From my perspective, Southern politicians of whatever party would be well advised to abandon the cause of the Confederacy and move into the conceptual strength of the 21st-century. The idea of racial superiority has no place in modern America
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Admitting Wrongdoing
Most recently the Pope’s own pastor claimed the church was the victim of misuse by the media and compared the lot of Catholic leaders to that of the Jews as they were persecuted during much of history. Jewish leaders have predictably responded with a great deal of anger.
From my perspective, there is no need to bash the Catholic Church. Institutions tend to automatically protect themselves from outside scrutiny when accusations are levied against them. What the church is doing is quite normal even if not defensible.
What is needed is for the Catholic hierarchy to come clean on this issue and admit their wrongdoing. They need to get up front about what really did happen in their own ranks, make restitution to the victims of clerical abuse, and take steps to make sure it does not happen again. Anything less is detrimental to the church and to the society which it intends to serve. Unfortunately the Pope has failed to lead the way on this matter and has only himself to blame for the continuing accusations and bad press the church receives. Faithful Catholics deserve better from their leaders.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Obama's Taunt
Obama recently responded to these cries of anguish in a speech to an Iowa audience. “After I signed the bill,” he said, “I looked outside and didn’t see any asteroids falling on the earth.” He continued to joke about predictions of Armageddon, the last great battle in the history of the world. Republican response has been predictable. “It is just wrong that the president would taunt us and make fun of us,” whined one caller to C-SPAN’s popular Washington Journal.
From my perspective, those who engage in such inflammatory language by comparing the health care reform to “Armageddon” deserved to be taunted. If you engage in such hyperbole you are inviting your opponents to consider you as a joke. So, live with it.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Social Justice
As if to second Glen Beck’s statement against social justice, Mary Matalin a major political strategist for the Republican Party, relied on the words of Jesus. In an interview on the Cobert Report she claimed that Jesus taught “teach them how to fish, don’t give them fish to eat.” And further she stated, “Jesus said if you don’t work you don’t eat.” I have searched the Scriptures and could not find where Jesus said any such thing.
If this is the official position of the Republican Party, I suggest that a delegation of Christian theologians visit Republican headquarters to give them a lesson on proper biblical exegesis. From my perspective, they have totally distorted the message of the Messiah which borders on blasphemy. A dangerous situation indeed!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Where Was Dad?
It’s an interesting commentary on contemporary life in America that everybody involved has been charged with liability in the case except the father. From my perspective, he bears a majority of the blame for the tragic accident. Where was he when this took place? While he was standing a few feet away you’ve got to wonder where his head was.
I make this comment not from an opposition to children learning how to use guns, but from a matter of just plain common sense. My father taught me how to use a gun shortly after my 12th birthday. But he certainly didn’t place a machine gun in my hand. Rather he gave me a single shot bolt action 22 caliber rifle and then carefully instructed and guided me in its use. Too bad the boy in Massachusetts didn’t have a father as sensible as mine.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Joke is on Glen
From my perspective, the joke is on Glen Beck. It demonstrates once again the total lack of balance on the Fox network and intellectual dishonesty of Glen Beck, the right wing news broadcaster. Too bad the Republican Party does not have enough courage to repudiate him as a spokesperson for their cause. Unfortunately, many Americans believe everything Beck says to be absolute truth. So, ultimately the joke is on them.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Sarah's Joke
Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and darling of conservative Republicans, appeared on the Jay Leno show this week. After an interview with Leno she did a brief stint as a stand up comedian. I was impressed that her delivery of the cute little joke she told.
More interesting, from my perspective, was the preliminary interview where Sarah and Jay engaged in easy-going banter. When asked about her continual confrontation with the mainstream media she pointed out that the media had a hard time separating the facts of the story from the reporter's biased opinion. "That is why I signed up with Fox," she said. That's the only media outlet that has a fair, and objective reporting of the news, she indicated.
The audience immediately burst into laughter. Obviously they thought she was telling a joke and only realized later that she was dead serious. Anyone who is watched even a small amount of Fox news can attest to the fact that there news anchors are unrepentantly biased in favor of conservative Republicans. In response to an accusation that he found only bad things to say about president Obama, one anchor recently stated, "I will say something good about Obama when he resigned!"
There is nothing fair or objective about the Fox news Channel and the fact that Sarah Palin has not s noticed that indicates something about the status of her intellectual capacity. Yet, she is taking conservative wing of the Republican Party by storm!Saturday, February 27, 2010
It was interesting to watch the recent healthcare summit. Both Democrats and Republicans tended to play towards the audience rather than do serious talk about health care policy. It must be frustrating for President Obama to be so close to having the system reformed and not be able to get it to finalization. He is almost there.
Meanwhile, the Republicans are almost to the point of achieving their main goal: making Obama fail. If they can hold on just a little longer maybe he will give up and then they can claim victory. Unfortunately, the nation suffers as a result of both sides entrenched stance. From my perspective, it will take the political skills of a Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan to achieve any reform of our broken health care system.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A New Pledge of Allegiance
The result of this decision sweeps away 100 years of jurisprudence and American tradition. It allows corporations to spend an unlimited amount of money in election campaigns. They are free to buy access to the halls of power in our fair Republic without any restriction. I suggest the following change in our nations Pledge of Allegiance:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Corporations of America and to the conglomerate for which it stands, one oligarchy, under the almighty dollar, with liberty and bonuses for all CEOs."
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Conservative Response to Earthquake in Haiti
However, all is not well in our fair Republic, for none other than conservative leader and radio personality Rush Limbaugh condemned Obama's call for help and implied that people should not contribute. "We have already given through our incomes taxes," he stated. He also implied that any money donated in response to Obama's call would be siphoned off for political use and never get to the needy people of Haiti.
Not to be outdone, conservative Christian leader Pat Robertson made an emphatic statement that the Haitian people had made a "deal with the devil" when they rose up to throw off the shackles of colonial rule. The result has been a history of suffering and devastation.
One wonders how much lower conservative leaders can sink. Now is the time when the Haitian people need words of comfort not condemnation. Do conservatives have any compassion whatsoever? It is far past time for conservative leaders of the Republican Party to disavow the hatred spewed out by these outspoken men on a continual basis. They do no good for the Republican Party nor are they good for America.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Connecting the Dots
From my perspective, the reason we didn't connect the dots is that there are just too many dots to connect. With 1 million people on the watch list it is impossible before the fact to identify the ones who really are the bad guys. Now, because of the security frenzy, even more people will be put on the list making more security dots to connect. America's desire for perfect safety in every aspect of life is probably not reasonable.